“Behold, I make all things new.” (Revelation 21: 5 NRSV)
This verse came to my mind as I have been thinking of the New Year, 2017. What does it mean that God makes all things new? Newness is exciting, especially when we are waiting for something special and new, such as a new baby, a new car or a new home. New things are fresh and clean, joyous, with the feeling that we have a new start.
That is what the New Year does for us. As we open our 2017 calendars, they are empty with a whole year of new events in front of us, much of which we don’t yet know about. There is anticipation and also perhaps some anxiety as we wonder what the future will
hold. God makes all things new in our lives. God knows what the New Year will bring. God will be present with us in every moment of that year. God also makes you and I new everyday as we experience the forgiveness of our sins, new growth in our faith, new life as children of God. Happy New Year!