family photo running on beach

MiFamily Together is a family preservation and reunification, home-based program that offers families flexible services that adapt to their needs. MiFamily Together is designed to decrease the risk of child maltreatment while also helping to increase wellbeing and prosperity of each family member.

family of four smiling

What to Expect

Face-to-face hours increase or decrease depending on need, and families maintain the same worker and private agency without being referred to services as their needs change. MiFamily Together will use the 2Gen approach to provide equitable services that address the needs of all family members and increase each family’s community support network. MiFamily Together is a developing, hybrid family preservation service model that will replace the current, fragmented, central office administered family preservation service array by 2027.

MiFamily Together will have broader eligibility and flexibility to serve families as their needs change including prevention, preservation, and reunification services of any intensity of need, under one program. Families participating in MiFamily Together will work with one team and one service provider to address abuse or neglect concerns instead of referrals to multiple programs and/or service providers as their needs change. Other advantages of MiFamily Together include:

An easier, streamlined referral process where Prevention, CPS and foster care workers will only need to make one referral to one program without having to determine eligibility based on intensity of need.

Implementation of the 2Gen service philosophy will help ensure a strong family voice with more equitable and holistic services centered around the individual strengths and needs of parents and children.

For MiFamily Together in Macomb, Monroe, Washtenaw and Lenawee counties, please contact:
Jennifer Williams, Program Manager
(269) 903-7743

For MiFamily Together in Muskegon, Ottawa and Allegan counties, please contact:
Aryn Manni, Program Manager
(269) 271-5970