Speak to foster agencies in Lansing, MI
Who can help answer your questions and walk you through the process. That’s where we, as one of the foremost foster care agencies in Lansing, MI, come into play. We are here to provide you with the answers you need to help you understand more about the process of providing foster care in Lansing and what to expect.
Attend a Lansing, MI, foster care orientation
The orientation will go over the guidelines required to become a provider of foster care in Lansing, MI, and let you know what to expect when you become one.
Complete the Lansing, MI, foster care application
Once you go through the orientation process and are on track to provide foster care in Lansing, you will need to fill out the application packet. It consists of such things as getting fingerprinted, completing the application, submitting the application and fingerprint clearances to the worker, obtaining medical records for your family and completing additional paperwork for the worker.
Undergo a home evaluation
As with any of the foster care agencies in Lansing, MI, an agent will need to go through your home and make sure it passes inspection before the child will be allowed to come home with you. Expect to undergo multiple interviews and on-site visits. Once you make it through the orientation and application process, the worker will schedule the visit.
When all is said and done, you can be on your way to bringing home the child or children who are waiting for someone to provide them with a safe, loving and nurturing environment via foster care in Lansing, MI, where they can continue to grow and thrive as individuals.
When all is said and done, you can be on your way to bringing home the child or children who are waiting for someone to provide them with a safe, loving and nurturing environment where they can continue to grow and thrive as individuals.